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Performance Metrics of VMware VM monitors

VMware VMs are monitored based on the parameters or the attributes listed below. These attributes provide detailed information about the functioning of the VMware VMs. Thresholds can be configured based on these monitoring data. 

In this doc, we'll cover:

Metrics / Meta Details Description
Availability The current status of the VM.
Memory Utilization (%) The total memory usage in percentage.
Downtime The total number of times the VM went down in the given time period.
Host Name Name of the VM server host.
IP Address IP address of the VM server host.
OS Name Name of the operating system in the virtual machine.
Version Version of the OS in the virtual machine.
VM Path Path to the VM.
Boot time Time taken to boot the server.
Power Status of the VM (Powered on/Powered off).
ESX/ESXi Host Name Name of the parent ESX/ESXi server host.
Port Port number where the VM is running.
Number of CPU Number of CPU cores present in the server.
Number of Virtual Disk Number of virtual disks available in the virtual machine.
Disk Usage (kbps) Disk usage of a virtual machine along with the average value in kilobytes per second.
Network Usage (kbps) Network usage of a virtual machine along with the average value in kilobytes per second.
VM Notes View the notes added in your infrastructure.
Tools Installation Status View the status of the VM tools installation.
Tools Running Status View the status of the running VM tools.
VM Uptime View the uptime details of the virtual machine.

Forecast VM space metrics

View AI-based predictions for VM space metrics like diskfile space, snapshots space, and occupied space. Occupied space is the amount of space occupied by a VM in datastore, snapshot space is the percentage of space occupied by snapshot files out of total space occupied by the VM, and disk file space is the amount of space occupied by VMDK files in total space occupied by the VM in a datastore. You can view the predictions for next seven days based on historical data. These predictions allow you to plan and take remedial actions well in advance of issues. You can predict a full disk a week in advance and clear disk files. Similarly you can also clear the snapshots and know what will the occupied space be after seven days.


View the complete CPU details along with graphs in this tab.

Metrics Description
CPU Utilization (%) The total CPU usage in percentage.
CPU Ready (ms and %) Time a VM is waiting to be scheduled onto a physical (or HT) core by the CPU scheduler, in milli seconds and percentage.
CPU Wait (ms) Total CPU time spent in wait state in milli seconds.
CPU Utilization (MHz) The total CPU utilization across the system along with the average value in percentage.


This tab lists down all the metrics related to memory.

Metrics Description
Configured Memory (MB) The total memory configured for a VM in mega bytes.
Active Memory (MB) The amount of memory used by the guest OS and its applications in mega bytes.
Ballooned Memory (MB) The memory reclaimed by ballooning, i.e. the reclaimed physical memory as the host is low on memory in mega bytes.
Granted Memory (MB) The amount of machine memory or physical memory that is mapped for a virtual machine or a host in mega bytes.
Overhead Memory (MB) The amount of memory used by the VMkernel to run the VM in mega bytes.
Shared Memory (MB) Amount of memory shared between virtual machines in mega bytes.
Swapped Memory (MB) Amount of memory that is swapped in mega bytes.


Metrics Description
Name Name of the network interface card (NIC) of the host.
Data Received Rate (kbps) The rate at which this NIC receives data in kilo bytes per second.
Data Transmit Rate (kbps) The rate at which this NIC transfers data in kilo bytes per second.
Packets Received Number of network packets received by this NIC.
Packets Transmitted Number of network packets transmitted by this NIC.

Disk I/O

This tab shows the disk Input/Output stats of the ESX/ESXi server.

Metrics Description
LUN LUN denotes the Logical Unit Number associated with the physical disk.
Bus Reset The number of SCSI-bus reset commands issued during the collection interval.
Aborted Commands The number of aborted SCSI commands during the collection interval.
Read Rate (kbps) Disk read rate of this LUN in kilo bytes per second.
Reads Number of reads to this LUN.
Write Rate (kbps) Disk write rates of this LUN in kilo bytes per second.
Writes Number of writes to this LUN.

Setting Thresholds for VM attributes

You can set threshold values for the performance metrics listed above and be alerted when there is a threshold breach. Learn more.

VMware tags

View the custom tags created in your VMware environment with Site24x7. It automatically identifies, fetches, and syncs the tags associated with the device of the VMware user and displays them in the VMware module across ESX/ ESXi hosts, virtual machines, and datastores. Site24x7 revises the tags frequently and makes it hassle-free for users to handle.

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