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Performance Metrics for SharePoint

Monitor and keep a check on SharePoint's server metrics, services, queued requests, and its overall health - all in one console. The SharePoint monitor uses the Site24x7 Windows agent for monitoring. Install the Windows agent and get your SharePoint servers auto-discovered.

Supported versions: 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016

Once the SharePoint server monitor is successfully added to your Site24x7 account,

Interpret SharePoint Performance Metrics

  • Monitor Overview: Lists down information on the SharePoint server details, along with graphical data on apps, access, and excel requests per second
  • Web Transactions: Gives the status of the various web applications on the SharePoint server with its associated content databases
  • Content DB: Data on the various content databases are given
  • Service Applications: Various service applications on the SharePoint server are given
  • Service Instance: Parameters related to every service instance is noted under this section
  • Office: Metrics for monitoring the office app are given
  • Excel Service: Metrics for monitoring the excel service are provided
  • Access Service: Metrics for monitoring the access service are listed
  • Search Trends: Available only for SharePoint versions 2013 and 2016. Metrics showing the search trends are provided.

Monitor Overview

Parameters Description
SharePoint Server Details Gives us details on the host name, IP address, successful/failed timer jobs and the version of the SharePoint server
Access Requests per second Requests per second to the Access Service at sampling time
SharePoint Services Status of all the SharePoint Windows services
Apps Requests per second The total number of requests to the Application Services executed per second
Excel Requests per second The number of requests received on Excel Calculation Services per second between sampling times

Web Transactions

Parameters Description
Application Name Name of the web application
URL The url for that particular application is listed
Status Tells us if the web application is online or offline 
Action Configure threshold for a particular web application 

Content DB

Parameters Description
DB Name Name of the content database
Application Name Name of the application that use the database 
Current Site Count The number of current sites stored in the database 
Warning Site Count The number of site count before a warning is created
Max Site Count The maximum number of site collections in the database
Disk Size Required (GB) The size allocated by the database on the disk in GB
Status Tells us if the content database is online or offline 

Service Applications

Parameters Description
InfoPath Form Services:
Average Session Duration The average time taken to complete a form filling session
Data Connection Submit Failure Rate The failure rates of the data connections during the form filling sessions 
Form Filling Session Completed Rate The rate at which the form filling sessions are completed 
Transaction Completed Rate The rate at which the transactions are completed in a form filling session 
ASP Stats:
Current Sessions The number of current sessions being serviced 
Transactions Started per second The total number of transactions started per second 
Pending Transactions The number of pending transactions
Requests/second The total number of requests executed per second 
Requests in Queue The total number of requests waiting from the queue for service 
Rejected Requests The total number of rejected requests due to insufficient resources 
Errors per second  The total number of errors occurring per second 
Visio Web Access:  
Request Processing Time The time taken for processing a request to Excel web front end component
Requests/second The total number of requests reaching the Excel web front end component per second 
Error Requests per sec The number of requests returned due to errors 
Publishing Cache Stats:
Cache Hit Ratio The ratio of hits to misses on the publishing cache
Cache Misses per second The miss rate on the publishing cache 
Cache Flushes per second The update rate of the cache due to site changes 
Total Object Discards The total number of items removed due to cache compaction from the publishing cache 

Service Instance

Parameters Description
Instance Name Name of the service instance
Status The status of the service instance 
Action Configure threshold to get alerts when the service instance goes Down 


Parameters Description
Office Server Search Gatherer Stats: 
Idle Threads The number of threads waiting for the documents
Threads Waiting for Plugin The number of threads waiting for plugins to complete an operation
Threads Accessing Network The number of threads awaiting a response from the filter process 
Active Queue Length The number of documents waiting for robot threads
Server Objects The number of servers accessed by the system recently
Delayed Documents The number of documents delayed
Office Server Search Archival Plugin: 
Committing Queues The number of queues currently undergoing changes and completing uploads
Filter Thread Queues The number of queues currently used by the filter threads 
Available Upload Queues The queue that is currently active
Queues Waiting The current number of queues waiting to send data to the property store 
Active Bulk Insert Sessions to DB The number of active bulk insert sessions to be sent to the database server
Documents Marked for Retry The number of marked documents for retry by the plugin 
Documents Waiting for Queue The number of documents waiting to be queued
Total Documents Processed The total number of documents used in the first queue
Office Server Search Indexer Catalog: 
Index Size Size of index
Documents Filtered Numner of documents filtered
Queries Succeeded Number of queries succeeded 
Queries Failed Number of queries failed 
Total Queries Total number of queries 
Office Server Search Schema Plugin: 
Total Documents Processed The total number of documents processed
Total Properties Processed The total number of properties processed by the plugin 
Loaded Aliases The number of currently loaded aliases 
Mapped Aliases The number of aliases mapped 
Ignored Duplicate Aliases The number of aliases ignored due to duplicity
Alias Refresh Count The number of refreshed aliases from the database 

Excel Service

Parameters Description
Excel Calc Requests and Session The number of acitve requests, sessions, and chart requests per second for Excel Calculation Service
FrontEnd Requests per sec The number of requests being processed by Excel Calculation Services at sampling time 

Access Service

Parameters Description
Average Request Duration Average time in seconds to request data
Failed Access Requests per sec The number of access requests failed per second
Access Service - Data Access Layer: 
Get Data Requests per sec The number of data query requests per second
Insert Requests per second  The number of insert requests that are active
Update Requests per second  The number of update requests per second 
Delete Requests per second  The number of delete requests per second 
Failed Insert Requests per second  The number of insert requests that failed per second
Failed Delete Requests per second  Number of failed delete requests that failed per second
Average Data Fetch Duration  Average time in seconds to retrieve data 
Average Insert Duration  Average time in seconds to insert data
Average Update Duration  Average time in seconds to update data
Average Delete Duration  Average time in seconds to delete data
Access Service - Application Server:  
Active Sessions  The number of sessions active by Excel Calculation Services at sampling time
Active Requests The number of requests actively processed by Excel Calculation Services at sampling time

This tab would be visible only for SharePoint versions 2013 and 2016. 

Parameters Description
Search Gatherer:  
Search Threads in Plugin  The number of threads waiting for the plugins to complete an operation 
Search Documents Delayed  The number of documents that are delayed due to site hit frequency rules
Search Server Objects  The number of servers recently accessed by the system 
Filtered Search Threads  The total number of filtering threads in the system. This is calculated based on the system resources 
Documents Filtered Rate  The number of documents filtered per second 
Idle Threads  The number of threads waiting for documents 
Search Gatherer Projects:  
Crawls in Progress  The number of crawls in progress 
Deleted Documents The number of delete notifications 
Error Rate of Documents The number of filtered documents which returned an error per second 
Processed Rate of Documents  The number of documents processed per second 
Success Rate of Documents  The number of successfully filtered documents per second 
Retries  The total number of times a document access has been retried. Having a higher value indicates an issue with accessing data
Rate of Retries  The number of retries per second 
Search Host Controller:  
Restarted Components  The number of restarts of a search component since the start of the host controller 
Component Uptime  Component uptime in minutes since the start of the host controller 
Search Gatherer Content Plugin  Displays metrics including the number of documents lost, failed, the average document count, and the timeout exceptions
Search Index:  
Bad Content Messages  The number of unparsable messages delivered to indexing 
Bad Query Messages  The number of unparsable messages delivered to querying 
Search Index Router:  
Indexing Rate  The average number of documents indexed per second over the last minute 
Indexing Blocked  The total time (in ms) when indexing has been blocked, waiting for checkpoint to complete 

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