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Compute Instance and server agent integration

Site24x7 offers seamless integration between Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Compute Instances and the server agent, enabling comprehensive visibility into your instances' performance. By automatically linking the two, you can consolidate both instance-level metrics and detailed server insights into a single, unified monitoring experience.

Benefits of the Compute Instance and server agent integration

The Compute Instance and server agent integration provides you with the following benefits:

  • While defining actions in Configuration Rules and the Compute Instance, view all the server actions when the Compute Instance is integrated with the standalone server agent.
    • You can utilize the actions applicable for the Compute Instance and the server agent. When both are integrated, the OCI tags (i.e., System tags) applicable at the Compute Instance monitor will be mapped with the server monitor. When they are disintegrated, the tags will be unmapped from the server monitor only.
  • View all your Compute Instance-related performance metrics, both Compute Instance and agent-driven system and application metrics, in a unified dashboard.
    • This includes charts and graphs for CPU, memory, system load, idle/busy time, and disk utilization that can be viewed with the Compute Instance data charts.
    • Two different threshold profiles, one on agent metrics and the other on Compute Instance metrics, can be associated with the integrated Compute Instance monitor.
  • Combining the Compute Instance metadata from the native Compute Instance integration with the system-level performance counters will help you solve the inherent inefficiencies associated with both Compute Instance and standalone server agents.
    • This includes the ability to differentiate between intentional instance termination and instance crash.

Connect your OCI compartment

To enable this integration, you need to first connect your OCI compartment with Site24x7. This can be done by granting Site24x7 appropriate access to your OCI tenancy. Follow the steps outlined in the help documents below to enable access and connect your OCI compartment with Site24x7:

Server agent deployment

After enabling access to your OCI tenancy, proceed by installing the agent on the instance. Once deployed, system and application metrics generated by the agent will appear in the integrated Compute Instance monitor UI.

To view the data, navigate to the integrated Compute Instance monitor UI (Cloud > OCI > Monitored OCI compartment > Compute Instance > Select the applicable Compute Instance).

This integration currently supports both Windows and Linux-based Compute Instances. For details on agent compatibility and installation instructions, refer to the agent installation documents below.



The integrated Compute Instance monitor (a Compute Instance monitor with the server agent deployed) consumes two basic monitor licenses for the Compute Instance and two basic monitor licenses for the server agent.

Enhance your Compute Instance monitoring by deploying an agent on the instance

You can deploy the agent on your Compute Instance to gain more detailed insights into its performance. Once deployed, you'll be able to view system attributes (i.e., Memory/Swap usage), process attributes (i.e., Thread/Handle count), disk attributes (i.e., Free/Used disk space), and network attributes (i.e., Errors/Dropped Packets) alongside the basic instance-level Compute Instance metrics obtained from the OCI.


The installation process for integrating an agent with a Compute Instance is given below: 

To view the data after installation, navigate to the integrated Compute Instance monitor UI (Cloud > OCI > Monitored OCI compartment > Compute Instance > Select the applicable Compute Instance).

Automatic integration

Once you connect your OCI Compute Instance with your server agent, the services will automatically integrate in the Site24x7 console for seamless monitoring.

For example, you may be monitoring several OCI Compute Instances and decide to deploy the server agent to obtain deeper insights into the resource performance. Then all of the agent-generated data and dashboard tabs such as CPU, Memory, Disk Utilization, and Resource Checks will automatically appear in the Compute Instance monitor UI. A separate server monitor will not be created.

This integration works both ways. If you're already using server agents to monitor Compute Instances and later connect your OCI compartment with Site24x7, the existing server monitor's data—including metrics, configuration profiles, and thresholds—will be ported to the new integrated Compute Instance monitor, after which the standalone server monitor will be discontinued.

To view the data after installation, navigate to the integrated Compute Instance monitor UI (Cloud > OCI > Monitored OCI compartment > Compute Instance > Select the applicable Compute Instance).

Say there is a Compute Instance, and you have to install a server agent on it. When you specify the monitor group name by using the GN parameter, the Compute Instance will be added under the same monitor group.

During integration, monitor groups and any maintenance for Compute Instance monitors are mapped to server monitors. However, during the maintenance state of a Compute Instance monitor, no server integration is allowed.

Additional attributes

The additional attributes you'll gain with the integration are listed below.

System-level attributes

Parameters Description
Physical CPU usage The overall CPU utilization in percentage.
Memory utilization The overall memory utilization in percentage.
Load average 1 minute The average number of tasks or processes that are waiting for CPU time over the last one minute.
Load average 5 minutes The average number of tasks or processes that are waiting for CPU time over the last five minutes.
Load average 15 minutes The average number of tasks or processes that are waiting for CPU time over the last 15 minutes.
Memory total The total memory available in bytes.
Memory free The portion of the total memory that is currently free.
Memory used The portion of the total memory in use.
Swap total The total swap space available.
Swap free The portion of the swap space that is currently free.
Swap used The portion of swap space currently in use.
Disk used The percentage of disk space in use.
Disk free The percentage of free disk space.
System busy time The amount of time spent by the CPU in user or kernel space.
System Idle time The amount of time the CPU is in an idle state.

Process-level attributes

Parameters Description  
Process ID The unique process identification number for the process.  
CPU utilization The amount of CPU usage by the process.  
Memory utilization The amount of physical memory consumed by the process.  
Thread count The number of active threads for the process.  
Handle count The number of object handles.  

Network attributes

Parameters Description
Network interface card name The interface name for the Compute Instance network interface card.
Error packets The number of dropped network packets.
Transmitted bytes The number of bytes transmitted per second on the Compute Instance network interface.
Received bytes The number of bytes received per second on the Compute Instance network interface.
Transmitted packets The number of packets transmitted per second on the Compute Instance network interface.
Received packets The number of packers received per second on the Compute Instance network interface.

Additional configuration details

Parameters Description
Host Name/IP The host name/IP for the Compute Instance host.
IP Address The IP address of the Compute Instance host.
Operating System The type of operating system currently running on the Compute Instance host.
OS Architecture The processor architecture: 32-bit or 64-bit.
Installed Memory (MB) The installed memory on the Compute Instance host.
Number of CPU Cores The number of logical CPU cores on the Compute Instance host.
Processor The specification of the processor in use.

Agent Threshold Profile configuration

To set a threshold profile for an agent to be integrated, you can follow the first or second method below. Method 3 explains how to configure a threshold profile for an agent that is already integrated.

Method 1: Add a Configuration Rule

Follow the initial steps for adding a Configuration Rule listed here. Select the monitor type as Compute Instance. When you define an action from the drop-down menu, select Agent Threshold Profile, and choose the desired threshold profile to be configured for a server.

Method 2: Auto-Assign Threshold Profile in Advanced Configuration

In the Advanced Configuration section of your OCI monitor, navigate to Auto-Assign Threshold Profile. Select Compute Instance as your desired service. Choose the desired threshold profile from the drop-down menu beside Agent Threshold Profile.

Method 3: Editing a monitor

To configure a threshold profile for a server monitor that is already integrated, you can edit the monitor and follow the steps below:

  1. In the Site24x7 console, navigate to the Edit Monitor Details page of the integrated Compute Instance monitor.
  2. Under the Configuration Profiles option, navigate to Agent Threshold Profile, where you can choose the desired threshold profile for a server from the drop-down menu.

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