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Gunicorn Logs

Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) bridges the request-response cycle between your web server and web application. Gunicorn is the WSGI-compliant web server for Python applications and it writes two main log files: access and error logs. Using Site24x7's multiple log pattern support, you can create a single log type for both Gunicorn access logs and Gunicorn error logs to visualize the data on an exclusive dashboard. Learn more about Site24x7's log management.

Getting started

  1. Log in to your Site24x7 account.
  2. Download and install the Site24x7 Server Monitoring Agent (Windows | Linux).
  3. Go to Admin > AppLogs > Log Types > Add Log Type.

You can refer to this adding a log type help documentation for more information.

Using the multiple log pattern support, you can add different log patterns written in an access.log file and an error.log file under a single Gunicorn log type.

Gunicorn access logs (sample log and log pattern)

Here is the sample log and log pattern for the Gunicorn access logs: - - [18/Jul/2017:23:59:18 +0530] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 612 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36" "-"

$RemoteAddress$ - $RemoteUser$ [$DateTime:date$] "$Method$ $RequestURI$ $Protocol$" $Status:number$ $BytesSent:number$ "$Referer$" "$UserAgent$"! "$ForwardedFor$"!

This log is separated into fields, each of which will take its respective value, and is then uploaded to Site24x7.

Field name Field value
RemoteUser -
DateTime 18/Jul/2017:23:59:18 +0530
Method GET
RequestURI /
Protocol HTTP/1.1
Status 200
BytesSent 612
Referer -
UserAgent Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36
ForwardedFor -

Gunicorn error logs (sample log and log pattern)

Here is the sample log and log pattern for the Gunicorn error logs:

[2022-05-31 10:09:53 +0530] [364217] [INFO] Listening at: (364217)

[$DateTime:date$] [$ProcessID:number$] [$LogLevel$] $Message$

This log is separated into fields, each of which will take its respective value, and is then uploaded to Site24x7.

Field name Field value
DateTime 2022-05-31 10:09:53 +0530
ProcessID 364217
LogLevel INFO
Message Listening at: (364217)

You can visualize the access and error log data on a single dashboard.


You can also specify a log pattern name in the query language to filter out the data specific to the log pattern. For example, you can query the access log pattern using the query below:

logtype="Gunicorn" and logpattern_name="gunicorn_access"

Here, gunicorn_access is the matched pattern name when you create the log type.

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