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Microsoft SQL Server Insight Metrics

Boost the efficiency of your Microsoft SQL Server by monitoring the slow queries, queries consuming more CPU and input/output (I/O), top sessions, locks, and waits statistics in real time. With Site24x7's in-depth insights into the query metrics and wait stats of your database, you can examine the workloads of your database systems to gain more information on performance enhancements. You can also identify bottlenecks and proactively optimize the health of your Microsoft SQL Server from Site24x7's unique, standardized console.

Supported metrics

Metric Description Unit
Query Hash The binary hash value calculated using the query and used to identify queries with similar logic Text
Category The category of the query Text
Creation Time The time at which the plan was compiled Time
Average CPU Time The average amount of CPU time that was consumed by the executions of this plan since it was compiled Milliseconds
Maximum CPU Time The maximum CPU time consumed during a single execution Milliseconds
Minimum CPU Time The minimum CPU time consumed during a single execution Milliseconds
Total CPU Time The total amount of CPU time consumed by the executions of this plan since it was compiled Milliseconds
Execution Count The number of times the plan has been executed since it was last compiled Count
Average Execution Time The average elapsed time for the completed executions of this plan Milliseconds
Maximum Execution Time The maximum elapsed time for completed executions of this plan Milliseconds
Minimum Execution Time The minimum elapsed time for completed executions of this plan Milliseconds
Total Execution Time The total elapsed time for completed executions of this plan Milliseconds
Average Physical Reads The average number of physical reads performed by the executions of this plan since it was compiled Count
Maximum Physical Reads The maximum number of physical reads that this plan has ever performed during a single execution Count
Minimum Physical Reads The minimum number of physical reads that this plan has ever performed during a single execution Count
Total Physical Reads The total number of physical reads performed by the executions of this plan since it was compiled Count
Average Logical Reads The average number of logical reads performed by the executions of this plan since it was compiled Count
Maximum Logical Reads The maximum number of logical reads that this plan has ever performed during a single execution Count
Minimum Logical Reads The minimum number of logical reads that this plan has ever performed during a single execution Count
Total Logical Reads The total number of logical reads performed by the executions of this plan since it was compiled Count
Average Logical Writes The average number of logical writes performed by the executions of this plan since it was compiled Count
Maximum Logical Writes The maximum number of logical writes that this plan has ever performed during a single execution Count
Minimum Logical Writes The minimum number of logical writes that this plan has ever performed during a single execution Count
Total Logical Writes The total number of logical writes performed by the executions of this plan since it was compiled Count
Average CLR Time The average time consumed inside the Microsoft .NET Framework Common Language Runtime (CLR) objects by the executions of this plan since it was compiled Milliseconds
Maximum CLR Time The maximum time that this plan has ever consumed inside the .NET Framework CLR objects during a single execution Milliseconds
Minimum CLR Time The minimum time that this plan has ever consumed inside the .NET Framework CLR objects during a single execution Milliseconds
Total CLR Time The total time consumed inside the .NET Framework CLR objects by the executions of this plan since it was compiled Milliseconds
Average Logical I/O The average I/O of the total number of logical reads and writes performed by the executions of this plan since it was compiled Count
Total Logical I/O The total number of logical reads and writes performed by the executions of this plan since it was compiled Count
Average Time Blocked The average of the difference between the total elapsed time and the total worker time Milliseconds
Total Time Blocked The difference between the total elapsed time and the total worker time Milliseconds
Average Rows The average number of rows returned by the query Count
Maximum Rows The maximum number of rows ever returned by the query during one execution Count
Minimum Rows The minimum number of rows ever returned by the query during one execution Count
Total Rows The total number of rows returned by the query Count
Query The text of the SQL query Text
Database The database where the statements were compiled Text
Last Execution Time The last time that the plan started executing Time


Sessions The number of sessions running at that moment Number
Running Sessions The number of sessions currently running requests Number
Sleeping Sessions The number of sessions currently running without requests Number
Dormant Sessions The number of sessions that have been reset because of the connection pooling and are now in the pre-login state Number
Preconnect Sessions The number of sessions that are in the Resource Governor classifier Number
Active Users The number of unique active users Number

User details

Username The name of the principal that is unique within a server Text
Created Date The time at which the principal was created Time
Default Database The default database for this principal Text
Login Disabled The status of the login for the particular user Text

 Sessions and waits

SQL Server Session ID The SQL Server session ID Number
Login Time The time at which a client process logged in to the server Time
Login Time in Seconds The time (in seconds) at which a client process logged in to the server Seconds
Host Process ID The workstation process ID number Number
Status The status of the process ID Text
Username The login username Text
Network Packet Size The network packet size used for information and data transfers Number
Hostname The name of the workstation Text
Program Name The name of the application program Text
Memory Usage The number of pages in the procedure cache that are currently allocated to this process Count
CPU Time The cumulative CPU time for the process Milliseconds
Physical I/O The cumulative disk reads and writes for the process Number
Wait Time The current wait time to execute the query Milliseconds
Last Wait Type The string indicating the name of the last or current wait type Text
Wait Resource The textual representation of a lock resource Text
Byte Reads The number of byte reads that have occurred over this connection Bytes
Byte Writes The number of byte writes that have occurred over this connection Bytes
Blocking Session ID The ID of the session that is blocking the request Number
Database The database being used by the process Text
Command The command that is currently being executed Text
Last Batch Time The last time a client process executed a remote stored procedure call or an EXECUTE statement Time
Network Library The column in which the client's network library is stored (Every client process comes in on a network connection, and network connections have a network library associated with them that enables them to make the connection) Text
Query The text of the SQL query Text


Resource Type The type of the resource (The value can be one of the following: DATABASE, FILE, OBJECT, PAGE, KEY, EXTENT, RID, APPLICATION, METADATA, HOBT, or ALLOCATION_UNIT) Text
Resource Description The resource description containing only the information that is not available from other resource columns Text
Resource Associated Entity The ID of the entity in a database with which a resource is associated (This can be an object ID, HoBt ID, or allocation unit ID, depending on the resource type) Text
Resource Lock Partition The ID of the lock partition for a partitioned lock resource Number
Request Status The current status of this request Text
Request Mode The mode of the request (For granted requests, this is the granted mode; for waiting requests, this is the mode being requested) Text
Request Reference Count The approximate number of times the same requestor has requested this resource Number
Request Session ID The ID of the session that currently owns this request Number
Request Owner Type The type of the entity that owns the request Text
Transaction Isolation Level The isolation level at which the transaction for this request is created Number
Request Owner ID The ID of the specific owner of this request Number
Database The database under which this resource is scoped Text
Requesting Query The requesting SQL query Text
Query Hash The binary hash value calculated for the query and used to identify queries with similar logic Text
Requesting User The user who submitted the request Text
Blocking Session ID The session that is blocking the request Number
Blocking Query The SQL query that is blocking the request Text
Deadlock Priority The deadlock priority setting for the request Number
Lock Timeout The lock timeout period for this request Milliseconds
Wait Time The duration of the current wait when the request is blocked Milliseconds
Wait Type The type of the wait when the request is blocked Text
Last Wait Type The type of the last wait when the request was previously blocked Text
Percent Complete The percentage of work that is completed Decimal
CPU Time The CPU time that is used by the request Milliseconds
Execution Time The total time elapsed since the request arrived Milliseconds
Reads The number of reads performed by this request Number
Writes The number of writes performed by this request Number
Logical Reads The number of logical reads that have been performed by the request Number
Row Count The number of rows that have been returned to the client by this request Number
Granted Query Memory The number of pages allocated to the execution of a query for the request Number
Open Transaction Count The number of transactions that are open for this request Number

Server configuration options (SQL Server) 

Configuration Name The name of the configuration option Text
Description The description of the configuration option Text
Dynamic Configuration The status of the variable that takes effect when the RECONFIGURE statement is executed (If the configuration is not dynamic, then a database engine restart is required to apply the changes) Text
Advanced Configuration The status of the variable that denotes if the configuration is advanced or not Text
Minimum Value The minimum value for the configuration option Number
Maximum Value The maximum value for the configuration option Number
Value The running value that is currently in effect for this option Number

  Query statistics

Queries The number of queries running at that moment Number
Blocked Sessions The number of blocked sessions at that moment Number
Select Commands The number of select queries at that moment Number
Insert Commands The number of insert queries at that moment Number
Update Commands The number of update queries at that moment Number
Delete Commands The number of delete queries at that moment Number

 Lock statistics

Locks The number of locks at that moment Number
Granted The number of granted locks at that moment Number
Convert The number of convert locks at that moment Number
Wait The number of wait locks at that moment Number
Low Priority Convert The number of low priority convert locks at that moment Number
Low Priority Wait The number of low priority wait locks at that moment Number
Abort Blockers The number of abort blockers locks at that moment Number

Failed Jobs

Job Name The name of the job Text
Step Name The name of the job step Text
Database Name The name of the database in which command is executed if the subsystem is Transact-SQLTSQL) Text
Next Run Date The next date on which the job is scheduled to run. The date format  is YYYYMMDD. Date
Step ID The ID of the step in the job Number
Run Date The date the job or step started execution, in YYYYMMDD format. For the In Progress history, this value is the date and time the history was written Date
Run Duration The elapsed time in the execution of the job or step in HHMMSS format for  the time period up to 24 hours HH:MM:SS
Run Time The run time of the job HH:MM:SS
SQL Severity The severity of any SQL server error Number
Message The text derived when there is a SQL Server error Text
Server The name of the server where the job was executed Text
Run Status The status of the job execution. It can be Failed, Succeeded, Retry, Cancelled, or In Progress. Text

Blocking Sessions

Session ID The ID of the session that is blocking the request Number
Username The login username Text
Program The name of the application program Text
Query String The text of the SQL query Text
Database The database being used by the process Text
Status The status of the process ID Text
Blocked Session ID The ID of the session that is being blocked Number
CPU Time The cumulative CPU time for the process Milliseconds
Memory Usage The number of pages in the procedure cache that are currently allocated to this process Count
Wait Time The current wait time to execute the query Milliseconds
Network Packet Size The network packet size used for information and data transfers Number
Hostname The name of the workstation Text
Log In Time The time at which a client process logged in to the server Time
Log In Time in Seconds The time at which a client process logged in to the server Seconds
Host Process ID The workstation process ID number Number
Physical I/O The cumulative disk reads and writes for the process Number
Last Wait Type The string indicating the name of the last or current wait type Text
Wait Resource The textual representation of a lock resource Text
Byte Reads The number of byte reads that have occurred over this connection Bytes
Byte Writes The number of byte writes that have occurred over this connection Bytes
Command The command that is currently being executed Text
Last Batch Time The last time a client process executed a remote stored procedure call or an EXECUTE statement Time
Network Library     The column in which the client's network library is stored (Every client process comes in on a network connection, and network connections have a network library associated with them that enables them to make the connection) Text

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