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Amazon RDS Proxy monitoring integration

Amazon RDS Proxy is a fully managed, highly available database proxy for Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) that makes applications more scalable, secure, and resilient to database failures.

Site24x7 - RDS Proxy integration provides real-time monitoring of your Amazon RDS Proxy metrics and helps you manage your database connections.

In addition to the RDS Proxy monitor, Site24x7's integration with AWS RDS Proxy provides the following three monitors:

  • Endpoints: Monitor all the RDS proxy endpoints, including the default endpoint, and gain insights about supported CloudWatch metrics.
  • Targets: The RDS Proxy Target monitors the RDS database instances or Aurora DB cluster that the proxy can connect to.
  • Targetrole: Monitor the metrics of each proxy and configure thresholds based on the read/write and read-only traffic to each database.

Use case

Consider that you have an Amazon RDS Proxy monitor integrated with Site24x7, which has multiple RDS proxies associated with an RDS instance. With this integration, you can analyze the performance of your Amazon RDS Proxy, including the number of endpoints and manage your charges for additional endpoints other than the default endpoint.

The integration also helps you to monitor the CloudWatch metrics and sends alerts when threshold breaches occur for your integrated monitor.

Benefits of the integration between Site24x7 and Amazon RDS Proxy

By integrating Site24x7 with Amazon RDS Proxy you can:

  • Track RDS Proxy and monitor your resources with greater detail and depth.
  • Monitor the endpoints, targets, and targetroles under the same RDS Proxy monitor individually.
  • Obtain a bird's-eye view of the CloudWatch metrics for each endpoint, target, and targetrole.
  • Get threshold breach alerts when the Amazon RDS Proxy monitor exceed the configured limit.
  • Manage your database connections, as well as client connections, by tracking the connections requested and connections established.
  • Manage your charges for additional endpoints.

Setup and configuration


  • rds:DescribeDBProxies
  • rds:DescribeDBProxyEndpoints
  • rds:DescribeDBProxyTargetGroups
  • rds:DescribeDBProxyTargets

Polling frequency 

Site24x7 queries AWS service-level APIs per the set polling frequency (from once a minute to once a day) to collect metrics from Amazon RDS Proxy monitor.

Supported metrics for RDS Proxy

Metric name Description Statistics Unit
Number of endpoints The total number of endpoints in the RDS proxy. Sum Count
Client Connections The current number of client connections, client connections closed, and the client connection requests received. Sum Count
Database Connections The current number of database connections, the current number of database connections with Transport Layer Security (TLS), and the maximum number of database connections allowed. Sum Count
Client Connections Based on TLS The current number of client connections with TLS and the current number of client connections without TLS. Sum Count
Client Connections Based on Authentication The number of client connection attempts that failed due to misconfigured authentication or TLS, and the number of client connections successfully established using any authentication mechanism with or without TLS. Sum Count
Database Connection Requests The number of requests to create a database connection and the number of requests to create a database connection with TLS. Sum Count
Database Connections Borrow Latency The time that it takes for the proxy being monitored to get a database connection. Average Microseconds
Database Connections (based on current state) The current number of database connections in the borrow state, the current number of database connections in a transaction, and the current number of database connections currently pinned because of operations in client requests that change the session state. Sum Count
Database Connections (based on authentication) The number of database connection requests that failed and the number of database connections successfully established with or without TLS. Sum Count
Query Requests The number of queries received, the number of queries received from non-TLS connections, and the number of queries received from TLS connections. Sum Count
Query Response Latency The time, in microseconds, between getting a query request and the proxy responding to it. Average Microseconds

Supported metrics for RDS Proxy Endpoint

Metric name Description Statistics Unit
Client Connections The current number of client connections, the number of client connections closed, and the number of client connection requests received. Sum Count
Client Connections (based on TLS) The current number of client connections with TLS and the current number of client connections without TLS. Sum Count
Client Connections (based on authentication) The number of client connection attempts that failed due to misconfigured authentication or TLS and the number of client connections successfully established with any authentication mechanism with or without TLS. Sum Count
Database Connections Borrow Latency The time in microseconds that it takes for the proxy being monitored to get a database connection. Average Microseconds
Query Requests The number of queries received, the number of queries received from non-TLS connections, and the number of queries received from TLS connections. Sum Count
Query Response Latency The time between getting a query request and the proxy responding to it. Average Microseconds

Supported metrics for RDS Proxy Target

Metric name Description Statistics Unit
Database Connections The current number of database connections, the current number of database connections with TLS, and the maximum number of database connections allowed. Sum Count
Database Connection Requests The number of requests to create a database connection and the number of requests to create a database connection with TLS. Sum Count
Database Connections (based on current state) The current number of database connections in the borrow state, the current number of database connections in a transaction, and the current number of database connections currently pinned because of operations in client requests that change the session state. Sum Count
Database Connections (based on authentication) The number of database connection requests that failed and the number of database connections successfully established with or without TLS. Sum Count
Query Response Latency The time getting a query request and the proxy responding to it. Average Microseconds

Supported metrics for RDS Proxy Targetrole

Metric name Description Statistics Unit
Availability Percentage The percentage of time that the target group was available in the role indicated by the dimension. Average Percentage
Database Connections The current number of database connections, the current number of database connections with TLS, and the maximum number of database connections allowed. Sum Count
Database Connection Requests The number of requests to create a database connection and the number of requests to create a database connection with TLS. Sum Count
Database Connections (based on current state) The current number of database connections in the borrow state, the current number of database connections in a transaction, and the current number of database connections currently pinned because of operations in client requests that change the session state. Sum Count
Database Connections (based on authentication) The number of database connection requests that failed and the number of database connections successfully established with or without TLS. Sum Count
Query Response Latency The time between getting a query request and the proxy responding to it. Average Microseconds

Threshold configuration

To configure thresholds for RDS Proxy monitor:

  1. Log in to your Site24x7 account and navigate to Admin > Configuration Profiles > Threshold and Availability.
  2. Click Add Threshold Profile.
  3. Select RDS Proxy from the Monitor Type drop-down menu and provide an appropriate name in the Display Name field.
  4. The supported metrics are displayed in the Threshold Configuration section. You can set threshold values for all the metrics mentioned above.
  5. Click Save.

To configure thresholds for RDS Proxy Endpoint/Target/Targetrole monitor:

  1. Log in to your Site24x7 account and navigate to Admin > Configuration Profiles > Threshold and Availability.
  2. Click Add Threshold Profile.
  3. Select RDS Proxy Endpoint or RDS Proxy Target or RDS Proxy Targetrole based on your requirement from the Monitor Type drop-down menu and provide an appropriate name in the Display Name field.
  4. The supported metrics are displayed in the Threshold Configuration section. You can set threshold values for all the metrics mentioned above.
  5. Click Save.

You can manage all the alerts to ensure that the notifications are sent through the parent monitor with the status propagation feature.


  • Each RDS Proxy monitor is considered a basic monitor.
  • For the Amazon RDS Proxy Endpoints monitor, five monitors utilize one basic monitor license.
  • Each RDS Proxy Target monitor is considered a basic monitor.
  • For the Amazon RDS Proxy Targetrole monitor, two monitors utilize one basic monitor license.

Viewing Amazon RDS Proxy data

To monitor your Amazon RDS Proxy, log in to your Site24x7 account and navigate to Cloud > AWS > RDS Proxy.

Amazon RDS Proxy data

You can view your Amazon RDS Proxy data on the following tabs.


The Summary tab provides an overview of the events timeline and metrics in the form of charts.


The Endpoint(s) tab displays the Endpoints Status along with the list of Endpoint Monitors. Click the edit icon under Actions to configure thresholds for your preferred Endpoint Monitor. Click the applicable monitor from the Endpoint Monitor list to view the monitor details.


You can view the Targets Status along with the list of Target Monitors in the Target(s) tab. Click the edit icon under Actions to configure thresholds for your preferred Target Monitor. Click the applicable monitor from the Target Monitor list to view the monitor details.

The Monitored Resources tab in the Target monitor provides the monitored resource details of the RDS instance represented by the Target monitor. Click the monitor display name to view the RDS monitor details.


The Targetrole(s) tab shows the Targetroles Status and Targetrole monitors. Click the edit icon under Actions to configure thresholds for your preferred Targetrole Monitor. Click the applicable monitor from the Targetrole Monitor list to view the monitor details.

Configuration Details

View the configuration details of your RDS Proxy monitor such as Region, Proxy Name, Status, and Endpoint.


The Outages tab provides details on an outage's start time, end time, duration, and comments (if any).


Obtain details like Resource Name, Region, Monitor Licensing Category, and much more from the Inventory tab. The Threshold and Availability Profile and the Notification Profile can be set according to the user and viewed in this tab.

Log Report

This tab offers a consolidated report of the RDS Proxy monitor's log status, which can be downloaded as a CSV file.

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