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Amazon Neptune Cluster Monitoring Integration

Amazon Neptune is a fully-managed graph database service used to build and run applications that work with highly connected datasets. An Amazon Neptune cluster contains one or more Neptune Instance(s).

Setup and configuration

1. If you haven't already, enable access to your AWS resources between your AWS account and Site24x7's AWS account by either:

  • Creating Site24x7 as an IAM user
  • Creating a cross-account IAM role. Learn more

2. On the Integrate AWS Account page, check the box next to Amazon Neptune Cluster. Learn more

Policies and permissions

The following permissions are required by Site24x7 to discover an Amazon Neptune and collect configuration information. Learn more

  • "rds:DescribeDBInstances",
  • "rds:ListTagsForResource",
  • "rds:DescribeDBClusters",
  • "rds:DescribeEvents",
  • "logs:DescribeLogStreams",
  • "logs:GetLogEvents",
  • "rds:DescribeDBClusterParameterGroups"

Polling Frequency

Site24x7 queries AWS to collect Neptune Cluster performance metrics according to the configured poll frequency. The minimum poll interval supported is one minute, and the maximum is 24 hours.Learn more

Supported metrics

AttributeDescriptionStatisticData Type
Cluster ReplicaLag Maximum The maximum amount of lag between the primary instance and each Neptune DB instance in the DB cluster Maximum Milliseconds
Cluster ReplicaLag Minimum The minimum amount of lag between the primary instance and each Neptune DB instance in the DB cluster Minimum Milliseconds
Engine Up Time The amount of time that the instance has been running Maximum Seconds
Freeable Memory The amount of random access memory available Minimum MB
Free Local Storage The amount of storage available for temporary tables and logs Minimum MB
Gremlin Errors The number of errors in Gremlin traversals Sum Count
Gremlin Requests The number of requests to the Gremlin engine Sum Count
Gremlin Requests Per Sec The number of requests to the Gremlin engine per second Sum Count/sec
Gremlin WebSocket Available Connections The number of potential WebSocket connections currently available Sum Count/sec
Gremlin WebSocket Client Errors The number of WebSocket client errors on the Gremlin endpoint per second Sum Count/sec
Gremlin WebSocket Server Errors The number of WebSocket server errors on the Gremlin endpoint per second Sum Count/sec
Gremlin WebSocket Success The number of successful WebSocket connections to the Gremlin endpoint per second Sum Count/sec
Loader Errors The number of errors from Loader requests Sum Count
Loader Requests The number of Loader Requests Sum Count
Network Receive Throughput The incoming network traffic on the DB instance, including both customer database traffic and Neptune traffic used for monitoring and replication Average MB/sec
Network Throughput The amount of network throughput both received from and transmitted to clients by each instance in the Neptune DB cluster Average MB/sec
Network Transmit Throughput The outgoing network traffic on the DB instance, including both customer database traffic and Neptune traffic used for monitoring and replication Average MB/sec
SPARQL Errors Number of errors in the SPARQL queries Sum Count
SPARQL Requests The number of requests to the SPARQL engine Sum Count
SPARQL Requests Per Sec The number of requests to the SPARQL engine per second Sum Count/sec
Status Errors The number of errors from the status endpoint Sum Count
Status Requests The number of requests to the status endpoint Sum Count
Http1xx The number of HTTP 1xx errors for the endpoint per second Sum Count/sec
Http2xx The number of HTTP 2xx errors for the endpoint per second Sum Count/sec
Http4xx The number of HTTP 4xx errors for the endpoint per second Sum Count/sec
Http5xx The number of HTTP 5xx errors for the endpoint per second Sum Count/sec
Gremlin Http1xx The number of HTTP 1xx errors for the Gremlin endpoint per second Sum Count/sec
Gremlin Http2xx The number of HTTP 2xx errors for the Gremlin endpoint per second Sum Count/sec
Gremlin Http4xx The number of HTTP 4xx errors for the Gremlin endpoint per second Sum Count/sec
Gremlin Http5xx The number of HTTP 5xx errors for the Gremlin endpoint per second Sum Count/sec
Sparql Http1xx The number of HTTP 1xx errors for the SPARQL endpoint per second Sum Count/sec
Sparql Http2xx The number of HTTP 2xx errors for the SPARQL endpoint per second Sum Count/sec
Sparql Http4xx The number of HTTP 4xx errors for the SPARQL endpoint per second Sum Count/sec
Sparql Http5xx The number of HTTP 5xx errors for the SPARQL endpoint per second Sum Count/sec
Backup Retention Period Storage Used Measures the amount of billed backup storage used to support the point-in-time restore feature within backup retention window. Maximum MB
Cluster Replica Lag For a read replica, the amount of lag when replicating updates from the primary instance. Average Milliseconds
Total Backup Storage Billed The total amount of billed backup storage. Maximum MB
Volume ReadI OPs The average number of billed read I/O operations from a cluster volume. Sum Count
Volume WriteI OPs The average number of write disk I/O operations to the cluster volume. Sum Count
Volume Bytes Used The amount of storage used by your Neptune DB instance. Sum MB


Estimate future values of the following performance metrics and make informed decisions about adding capacity or scaling your AWS infrastructure.

  • CPU Utilization
  • Gremlin Errors
  • Gremlin Requests
  • SPARQL Errors
  • SPARQL Requests
  • Volume Bytes Used

Site24x7's Amazon Neptune Cluster monitoring tabs


Gain an overview of different processes occurring within each cluster with time series charts that provide the events timeline on Gremlin Requests, Gremlin Errors, Network Throughput, SPARQL Errors, and SPARQL Requests.

Neptune Instances

If you are monitoring your Neptune instances with Site24x7, the status of these services will be listed in the Neptune Instances tab. You can click on any of the services to view their detailed metrics. You can also set thresholds and be notified when any of these services fail by clicking the pencil icon under Action.

Configuration Details

The configuration details of a cluster are provided under this tab. The details you may find here include cluster state, cluster ARN, endpoint URL, engine version, allocated storage space, and more.


The events tab contains information on events related to DB instances, DB security groups, DB snapshots, and DB parameter groups for the past.

Recent Logs

Here, you can view the audit log data of a Neptune DB cluster that has been published by CloudWatch logs.

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