Start The Year Right With These DevOps Tips

As 2016 begins, you’ve probably set some New Year’s resolutions for yourself, however have you set any resolutions for your IT teams?

By following some or all of the tips below, you can ensure you’ll be able to handle any challenges in the year ahead with ease.

How to Monitor Mobile Websites and Apps?

Mobile end-user experience rules! In fact, mobile users are as demanding as their Web desktop counterparts (if not more), so your Web Operations (and ultimately business revenue), hinges on your ability to ensure both Web and mobile quality experiences at all times.

With Site24x7 Mobile Network Pollers completel...

[Infographic] 2015 - Achieving new frontiers in monitoring.

We thank all our customers for a great 2015, it's with your support that we managed to achieve new frontiers in monitoring. 2015 saw us expand our monitoring portfolio by adding new capabilities like Mobile APM, Docker monitoring, Network monitoring,~and capabilities to monitor resources on a server using the~server monitor. We...

The Three Pillars of a Successful DevOps Culture

Every company faces unique challenges which shape the demands placed on their teams. While troubleshooting and having technical expertise within your teams is essential, setting the right culture will make or break your team performance. Programmers and system administrators need more than a comfortable chair and powerful hardware.


Customer Support: Slow Due to the Flood Disaster in Chennai

As a result of heavy rainfall, the Chennai Metropolitan~area is currently experiencing heaving~flooding and power outages since December 1st.~Our support is slower than usual~because of the flood disaster in Chennai.~More than 10,000 residents have evacuated, including some of our own employees, and many are unable to...

Network Configuration Management Best Practices

One of the biggest responsibilities of system administrators and DevOps professionals is ensuring networks are always functioning properly. Network configuration management used to be a simple task. Watch resource usage and make the appropriate tweaks when the occasional traffic spike occurred. Since then, the rise of agile principles within ...

How to Eliminate False Alerts with Site24x7?

Alerts are an essential element of any monitoring solution, but these tiny, ever working messenger soldiers can become rogue and give your IT folks sleepless nights. If you want to stop chasing around these rogue agents, read further.

Monitoring Home.

Services Normal: Thank you customers!

This was originally posted on Zoho Blogs~by Vijay Sundaram.

We have turned the corner. We fought back over a week of repeated criminal DDoS attacks designed to disrupt the services we offer our customers. Our services are now back to normal, although there are still several customers with hiccups that we are working hard to fix. We...

Operations: Update on Service Disruption

UPDATE: 1825 pacific time, Nov 12

Services are normal. Read more about it in this post.

All New Real User Monitoring (RUM) and APM Insight Updates

We're excited to announce~that the~Real User Monitoring (RUM) feature is no longer in beta. With RUM, you gain insight into the complete life cycle of a web page and exactly know how real users experience your applications. RUM also gives you in-depth understanding of problems affecting real users and analyzes applica...